segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010

The meaning of Bairro Alto

The Bairro Alto, formerly known as Vila Nova dos Andrades, is a typical area of Lisbon, narrow cobbled streets adjacent to the areas of Caramel and Chiado, with centuries old houses and small traditional shops. Built more or less in the orthogonal plane at the end of the sixteenth century, the Bairro Alto is one of the most picturesque of the city being bordered on the west by the Century Road, the latter by Mercy Street on the north by King Street Pedro V Street and south of Loreto and the Largo do Calhariz.

The Bairro Alto is divided by the parishes of the Incarnation and Santa Catarina. Since the 80s which is the area's best-known Lisbon night, with many bars and restaurants alongside the fado houses, where they were located also almost all media outlets nationwide distribution. Over the past 20 years has acquired a life of its own and very characteristic, where they cross different generations in search of evening entertainment. Part of the buildings have been or are being recovered, keeping the original design of them, which has allowed the installation of new and alternative commercial premises and are from multi-brand stores to shops and ateliers of tattoos and piercing.

Gradually there is also now being sought as a place to live, and its population to be renewed and refreshed. During the nineteenth century until the third quarter of the twentieth century, the neighborhood housed the headquarters of major newspapers and printing presses in the country. You can still find echoes of that time in street names such as Rua Diario de Noticias or the Street of the Century.

This quarter, one of the most intellectual of the capital, frequented and inhabited by journalists, writers and students, a step the Chiado, was also the place of sailors taverns, places of ill repute and a lot of prostitution. Vitorino Nemesio alludes to this environment in novel Bad weather in the channel. The building where he was born the Daily News was later occupied by Capital (daily extinct in 2005), is today best known for "Building A Capital '. It was in this building that the United Artists Theatre Company was based for a long time. The company abandoned the area some years since the City Council will carry out rehabilitation works.

By Wikipedia

sexta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2010

Lisboa, a bela: resista quem puder

Pra quem me segue no Twitter, já não é novidade: caí de amores por Lisboa. Sua gente acolhedora, os sobrados coloridos, as calçadas de pedra portuguesa, a luz mágica de que tanto me falava o Miguel Santos.

Vi tanta coisa em tão pouco tempo que vou demorar a conseguir mostrar tudo, mas achei melhor começar com umas imagens, instantâneas da bela cidade à beira-rio.

Senhoras e senhores, isto é Lisboa: ver mais fotos: aqui

Alexandra Forbes
É jornalista e crítica gastronômica. Autora dos livros Isabella Suplicy: Arte em Açúcar e Jantares de Mesa e Cama, mudou-se para o Canadá há cinco anos e viaja pelo mundo comendo e bebendo. Adora foie gras e trufas, mas sente saudades mesmo é da leitoa com farofa e feijão que comia nas férias de infância passadas na fazenda.

quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2010

CCB Fora de Si Festival

During the CCB Fora de Si Festival the various venues at Belém Cultural Centre will become a stage for diverse artistic events from around the world, especially from Brazil, Spain and Latin American countries.

To celebrate the 4th CCB For de Si, the general public can enjoy open air concerts, dance/performance shows, cinema, visual arts and street art in various settings, from Praça do Museu, to the gardens and walkways, to the entrance to CCB. Here are some suggestions.Until August 29, Belém Cultural Centre (Belém/Jerónimos).


August 6 \ 7 \ 8 Traditional Latin American Dances King Pai Chaotic Company Sierra Maestra Banda Amizade

August 13 \ 14 \ 15 Salsa and Casino WheelBuika El Ultimo Trago Legends and Sounds from Latin America Amigos da Branca Symphony Band

August 27 \ 28 \ 29 Fazzoletto Ripopolo Circus5€ OperaRoda de Choro de Lisboa Jaques Morelenbaum Cello Samba Trio

Further information at

terça-feira, 24 de agosto de 2010

Fashion's Night Out 2010 in Lisbon

Already marked the date of the next Fashion Vogue's Night Out in Portugal, which will take place in Lisbon and another 16 countries simultaneously. Liberty Avenue, the street Castilho and Chiado will have a very lively night at friendly prices and purchases, an initiative sponsored by Vogue Portugal. The last edition was a great success and is expected to be even better this year, as has the participation of more cities.

This event was created with the aim of promoting the fashion industry. This year Vogue Fashion's Night Out will take place in 16 countries: Australia, China, Korea, Spain, France, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Portugal, UK, Russia, Thailand, Turkey and USA. Lisbon will take place on September 9 that night the shops, bars and restaurants in urban areas most modern capitals of these countries will be open, with different cultural performances, music, dj's, gifts and many surprises until midnight.

This year Vogue Fashion's Night Out will feature 160 clothing stores, many celebrities and more than 30,000 guests. The host of the Vogue Fashion's Night Out Lisbon will be the Vogue Portugal, which invites all Portuguese citizens to participate in this lively session of purchases, from 19h till 24h, the best shops in Lisbon on Avenida da Liberdade, Rua Castilho and Chiado which will be open during a night of shopping at prices much lower than usual.

Dates of Vogue Fashion's Night Out in the world:
7. September: France
8. September: England and Korea
9. September: Germany, Australia, Italy, Portugal and Spain
10. September: India, Russia and the United States
11. September: China, Japan and Taiwan
16. September: Greece and Turkey

Happy shopping!

quarta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2010

Shopping in Lisbon

You’ll find a little bit of everything in Lisbon’s shopsShopping in Lisbon is a pleasurable and diversified experience. It’s possible to buy anything, ranging from traditional shops to large shopping centres, and from Portuguese brands to international brands. In certain locations, the shopping experience is much more than the product itself. In the centre of Lisbon, you’ll find different spaces tailored to a wide array of tastes, and if you don’t know what you’re looking for, simply follow our suggestions.

If you’d like to begin with traditional shops, there’s nothing better than a trip to the Baixa zone, with its unique shops which in certain cases have remained unaltered for decades. You’ll find picturesque, age-old shops that conserve and preserve elements of Pombaline architecture and some of which that house several ruins dating back to previous occupations.

As you walk up to the Chiado zone you’ll find a more glamorous and diversified range of shops, including delightful design shops and bookshops, with a specific range of products that it’s hard to find anywhere else. In the Avenida da Liberdade, you’ll find the top international brands, in particular fashion labels, thus guaranteeing the diversity and quality of a major European capital. In the Bairro Alto neighbourhood, there’s a wide range of alternative shops including clothes shops owned by national stylists, several second-hand clothes shops, and also interior decoration and design shops and music stores.

In Santos, you’ll find a high number of large design shops, offering an alternative vision of interior decoration and objects. Nearby, you can buy fresh produce and flowers in the unforgettable Ribeira Market - one of the city’s ex-libris monuments - where your senses are sure to be awakened. On Tuesdays and Saturdays, you’ll also have the opportunity to visit the city’s most important “flea market” - the famous Feira da Ladra, - where in addition to a wide array of interesting trinkets, you can find some genuine collectors’ items. The region’s shopping centres are also unique.

The city has some of Europe’s largest and most diversified shopping centres. Even outside Lisbon itself, you’ll find excellent shopping centres where you can make purchases and buy presents to take home.

Lisbon contending for World Travel Awards

Lisbon has once again been nominated for the prestigious World Travel Awards 2010 in four categories: Europe’s Leading Destination, Europe’s Leading City Break Destination, Europe’s Leading Cruise Destination and Europe’s Leading Cruise Port.

Considered by “The Wall Street Journal” as the “Tourism Oscars," the World Travel Awards (WTA) distinguishes the world’s leading tourist destinations for their service excellence.

Last year, Lisbon triumphed at the European awards by winning the categories of Europe’s Leading Destination, Leading City Break Destination and Leading Cruise Destination.

These prizes were awarded at the 16th WTA edition held at Hotel Praia D'El Rey Marriott Golf & Beach Resort, which also won Europe’s Leading Golf & Leisure Resort and is a member of Turismo de Lisboa.

The World Travel Awards were created in 1993 and winners are elected through online voting – open to 183,000 travel agency and hospitality professionals throughout 160 countries from all continents.

quinta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2010

Zao Wou-Ki - Exposición

La Fondation Arpad Szenes-Vieira da Silva accueille à nouveau le travail d’un ami du couple qu’elle représente. Très lié à Vieira da Silva et Arpad Szenes, Zao Wou-Ki est un des peintres les plus importants de ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler la Nouvelle Ecole de Paris.Disséminée de par le monde, son oeuvre est curieusement présente dans de nombreuses collections portugaises. C’est cette oeuvre internationale et, en particulier, celle qui se trouve au Portugal qui peut être vue au musée du 24 juin au 26 septembre 2010.Zao Wou-ki est connu pour la décoration murale de la station de métropolitain Gare do Oriente (1998), un gigantesque panneau d’azulejos représentant motifs végétaux et aquatiques, mais son oeuvre avait déjà reçu un juste hommage au Portugal lors d’une mémorable exposition à la Galerie Diprove à Lisbonne et Porto, en 1974, et d’une rétrospective organisée par la Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian à Lisbonne, en 1992.

Presque 20 ans plus tard il est temps de revoir le travail de cet artiste, chinois d’origine, français d’adoption comme bien d’autres, parmi eux Vieira et Arpad qui, ayant perdu leur nationalité, furent accueillis par un pays qui les a reconnus en tant que citoyens et artisteÀ Paris, Zao Wou-Ki vivait dans le même quartier que Vieira et Szenes et, comme ces amis de longue date, il exposait à la Galerie Pierre, chez Pierre Loeb. Lors de leurs fréquentes rencontres ils échangeaient confidences, opinions, ainsi que des oeuvres.

C’est aussi par le biais d’un ami de Vieira da Silva que Zao Wou-Ki est arrivé au Portugal: Manuel Cargaleiro, artiste portugais qui vivait aussi à Paris. Il fut, plus tard, le responsable de l’invitation pour la décoration de la station de métro.Cette modeste rétrospective - qui se veut néanmoins significative et représentative d’une vaste oeuvre produite au fil d’une soixantaine d’années – propose des pièces venant de la collection de l’artiste, de plusieurs collections privées françaises et portugaises ou appartenant à des institutions telles que le Métropolitain de Lisbonne, la banque Millennium bcp ou la Fondation Gulbenkian.

Françoise Marquet, l’épouse du peintre qui a fortement contribué à faire connaître son oeuvre, et Yann Hendgen, assistant de Zao Wou-Ki et chercheur, sont les commissaires de cette exposition qui rassemble 30 oeuvres (peinture, dessin, éditions spéciales de gravures), ainsi que 4 créations d’Arpad Szenes et Vieira da Silva provenant de la collection de Zao Wou-Ki.
Horaire du lundi au dimanche: 10h00 à 18h00
Fermeture: le mardi et les jours fériés

Fundação Arpad Szenes-Vieira da Silva
Praça das Amoreiras, 561250-020 Lisboa - Portugal
Tel. ( 351) 21 388 00 44/53Fax: (351) 21 388 00 39