quinta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2010

Che cerchiate raffinatezza, abbondanza, tradizione o semplicità, Lisbona è sempre il posto perfetto per godersi un pasto. In questo scenario, il modo migliore per godersi pienamente il momento è accompagnare i pasti con i vini portoghesi, di tutte le regioni e per tutti i gusti. La tradizione vinicola del nostro paese ha dato ai portoghesi il privilegio di poter scegliere il vino giusto per il piatto giusto. E per assaporare a pieno la gastronomia ricca e variegata, lasciatevi coinvolgere dall’atmosfera. Scoprite quei caffè che fanno da punto d’incontro e deliziatevi con la nostra confetteria e pasticceria, di cui sono protagonisti i pastéis de Belém. Accompagnateci a tavola!
Un’aroma di panna e cannella si sparge nella zona e a cento metri di distanza già si avverte la vicinanza di uno dei luoghi “sacri” della pasticceria mondiale: sopravvissuto all’industrializzazione, alla vendita o al franchising. I Pasticcini di Belém continuano ad essere tra i migliori ambasciatori di Lisboa. Tutti cadono nella dolce tentazione.
Il successo fu immediato tra i lisboeti, che si affrettarono a comprare il nuovo dolce. In seguito divenne noto a livello nazionale. Con l’avvento del turismo di massa, a metà del secolo passato, la fama dei Pasticcini di Belém, si sparse in tutto il mondo, da New York al Giappone.Non sorprende il fatto che, dopo tanto successo, molti abbiano tentato di imitare il prodotto, sia in Portogallo che all’estero; ma fino ad oggi, senza risultati.
Il primo pasticcere, quello proveniente dal Monastero dei Jerónimos, lavorava di mattina presto, in segreto, chiuso in una camera, in cui non lasciava entrare nessuno, mentre mischiava gli ingredienti nelle giuste proporzioni, così come gli aveva insegnato il frate inventore della ricetta. Proteggendosi dalle imitazioni, il proprietario della pasticceria, registrò in seguito, il brevetto della ricetta; il segreto è tutt’ora ben custodito. Attualmente solo tre persone conoscono la magica ricetta – un pasticcere che lavora nella casa di produzione da cinquant’anni, e due aiutanti, di sua fiducia che lavorano lì da anni. Queste persone hanno dovuto fare un giuramento e firmare un atto in termini di responsabilità: non possono insegnare questo segreto.
Attualmente vengono fabbricati, in media giornalmente, 10 mila pasticcini. Secondo i pasticceri della casa, ciò che distingue i Pasticcini di Belém dai pasticcini con panna normali, che si vendono in altri negozi, è la ricetta con le giuste proporzioni, ma anche il lavoro manuale e gli ingredienti di prima qualità – farina, zucchero, latte e uova.Il successo dei Pasticcini di Belém, è stato oggetto di studio per vari motivi. Pedro Clarinha, gestore della casa dal 1984, ha visto passare sotto le sue mani diverse richieste: dagli alunni delle scuole elementari, che inviano letterine chiedendo quali siano gli ingredienti della ricetta, agli studenti di Antropologia che eleborano tesi su questo dolce.
Pedro Clarinha assicura di rispondere a tutte le richieste; lui stesso è un appassionato di storia dei Pasticcini di Belém e colleziona lavori su questo tema, ritagli di stampa, curiosità, fotografie e autografi di tutti i personaggi famosi che passano di lì. Il processo di fabbricazione continua ad essere artigianale. La pasta è modellata a mano, nelle forme, da un gruppo di donne, che potrebbero essere sostituite da una macchina. Ma il metodo di lavorazione a mano tradizionale fa parte della filosofia della casa. Pedro Clarinha spiega che spesso la Fabbrica dei Pasticcini di Belém, ha avuto un comportamento “contro corrente”.
Merry Christmas
If you are thinking to make a reservation to Lisbon during next year, please contact us in order to benefit of a early booking request.
Thank you for being with us :)
terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2010
FESTAS DE LISBOA - Lisbon´s Party

June Street entertainment, festivals, cinema, music and theatre, parades and folk festivities are just some of the events planned for Lisboa’s days and nights throughout the summer.The historic districts, the cosmopolitan Avenida da Liberdade, as well as the capital’s avenues and streets will all welcome the Lisboa Festivities for all those who live here and those who visit. Mainly, these celebrations take place in the historical quarters of Lisboa.
At the street parties, people dance, listen to Fado, eat grilled sardines and drink.It is also traditional to hold a collective wedding ceremony where the brides are known as “Brides of Santo António”.
To know more about it: http://www.egeac.pt/
segunda-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2010

Saber más: http://www.peixemlisboa.com/
Óbidos Vila Natal

quinta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2010
quinta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2010
General Information about Portugal

Delegations from non-European Union / Schengen area must request a visa to the portuguese diplomatic representations of their country.
For more on visas to Portugal, go to the Foreigners and Borders Service webpage (SEF – Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras).
ANA – Aeroportos de Portugal controls the operation of airports in Portugal. For information on landing and departure, please « check-in » at http://www.ana.pt.
For more on booking a flight, go to TAP PORTUGAL or dial 707 205 700.
Geographical Location
Portugal is located at the extreme southwest of Europe and includes the archipelagos of Madeira and Azores in the Atlantic Ocean.
Area = 88.889 km2
Portuguese is the third most spoken European language in the world, representing around 200 million people.
Portugal: ± 10 300 000 hab.Lisbon area: ± 3 000 000 hab.
City of Lisbon: ± 600 000 hab.
Electricity: 230 / 400 volts
Frequency: 50 hertz
Sockets follow European standards. Plugs with blades (American standards) must be combined with a transformer and an adaptor.
Currency and Banking
Portugal is part of the eurozone (€) since 2002.
Banks are opened from 8.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Credit cards (Visa, AMEX, Eurocard, Mastercard, etc.).
ATM machines are identified with “MB” (for “Multibanco”).
The main mobile phones operators in Portugal are TMN, Vodafone, Optimus, Rede4 , UZO, Yorn (Vodafone), Zon, Phone-ix (CTT). The calling cards may be acquired through authorized dealers or online (for UZO cards or Rede4’s). (confirm information)
Public telephone booths work with coins or cards. You may acquire proper cards from PT-Portugal Telecom stores, Post Offices (CTT), in kiosks or in identified shops.
A list of country codes are displayed in all phone booths.
From Portugal abroad dial: 00 + country code + city code + phone number
Opening hours
Shopping: mon-fri.: 9h-19h sat.: 9h-13h
Some shops open saturday afternoons.
Shopping centres: 10h-23/24h
Banks: mon-fri.: 8h30-15h
Restaurants: lunch: 12h-15h dinner: 19h-22h
Some restaurants are opened non-stop or have a larger timetable.
Pharmacies: mon-fri.: 09h-19 h sat.: 09h -13 h
All pharmacies display a list of the nearest opened pharmacy, on permanent call.
Post Offices CTT: 9h-18h, from monday to friday. Central Post Offices and at the Airport are opened on saturdays.
Time zone
Lisbon GMT +0
Area codes
Portugal +351
Lisbon 21
In case of emergency, please call 112.
INEM – Instituto Nacional d’Emergência Médica (National Institut for Medical Emergencies) is responsible for the coordination and management of the Integrated Medical Emergency System to ensure the victims of accidents or sudden illness the prompt and proper healthcare services.
To have access to healthcare, all EU citizens living abroad must be in possession of their passport or an identification document, and E111 and E112 forms.
In case of accident or disease during your stay in Portugal, EU citizens, from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, may have access to free health care, or at a moderate rate, if they are in the possession of an European Health Insurrance Card issued in their country) and an ID.
To more on INEM or the Ministry of Health.
During the Summit, three hospitals will be on permanent call:
Hospital Santa Maria
Av. Prof Egas Moniz
+351 21 780 50 00
Hospital São José
Rua José António Serrano
+351 21 884 10 00
Hospital S. Francisco Xavier
Estrada do Forte do Alto do Duque
+351 21 043 10 00
Average temperatures in November: 14,8 ºC daytime, and 8,9 ºC during the night.
Tourism in Lisbon: http://www.visitlisboa.com/
Tourism in Portugal: http://www.visitportugal.com/Cultures/en-us/default.html
Cimeira da NATO em Lisboa

A par da Cimeira da Nato decorre também a Cimeira EUA-UE, um encontro que se realiza anualmente e que conta com a presença dos líderes da UE e dos EUA.
Barack Obama, presidente dos Estados Unidos da América vai estar presente na Cimeira da NATO e na Cimeira EUA-UE, em Lisboa.
Esta é a primeira Cimeira organizada por Portugal desde a entrada em vigor do Tratado de Lisboa. São esperadas mais de 5000 pessoas, entre delegações oficiais e jornalistas.
Programa provisório da Cimeira da Nato em Lisboa 2010
Reunião de Chefes de Estado e de Governo
Conferência de imprensa
Jantar de trabalho dos Chefes de Estado e de Governo
Jantar de trabalho dos Ministros dos Negócios Estrangeiros
Jantar de trabalho dos Ministros da Defesa
Sábado, 20 de Novembro
Reunião de Chefes de Estado e de Governo
Reunião Força Internacional de Assistência para a Segurança – ISAF
Reunião OTAN-Rússia
Mais informações na página da Cimeira Nato Lisboa 2010: http://www.natolisboa2010.gov.pt/
Shakira in Atlantique Pavillion on the 21 November

Born in Colombia, Shakira was, from the start, an artist whose work crossed borders and broke records. Her first English language album, Laundry Service, sold 13 million copies. Fijacion Oral, Vol. 1, the first half of her new two album collection, was released in June 2005, and sold over 157,000 copies in the first week of its U.S. release - the highest first-week sales of any Spanish-language album in history. It debuted at Number 4 on the U.S. album sales chart amidst a wide array of mainstream releases. It debuted at Number 1 in all Latin American territories and Spain, and became the first Spanish-language album to reach Number 1 in Germany. The album sold over 3 million copies in its first two months of release alone, driven by the massive success of the single "La Tortura" - the first Spanish-language song to be sent into heavy rotation on MTV and VH1 as well as on mainstream radio. It earned Shakira three MTV Video Music Award nominations - another first for a Spanish-language song.
Now, the world can enjoy the second part of Shakira's greatest work to date, Oral Fixation Vol. 2, which is sure to further such success. Shakira wrote over sixty songs for these two albums, then produced and recorded 20 of them: ten of them were released as Fijacion Oral Vol. 1, while nine songs, plus two adaptations, make up Oral Fixation, Vol. 2.
To know more about this event: Eventful.com
quinta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2010
Essential guide to Lisbon
To market
Go shop
Chiado is Lisbon's upmarket shopping district and there are big boutique names among the specialist — and often bohemian — stores. For souvenirs just off the most prestigious shopping street, Rua Garrett, try A Vida Portuguesa (11 Rua Achieta, 345 6073, http://www.avidaportuguesa.com/). It's stuck in a Salazar dictatorship-era time warp, selling antiques as well as soaps, notebooks and old toys that ape what was available at that time. Otherwise, A Arte da Terra (40 Rua Agusto Rosa, 274 5975, http://www.aartedaterra.pt/), behind the cathedral, offers smile-raising handmade handicrafts in a unique setting — it's an old stable and has been kept as the horses would remember it.
Live music
Fado — a uniquely Portuguese combination of blues, folk and soul — is the big thing in Lisbon. There are slick fado-and-dinner operations in Bairro Alto and Chiado but Alfama is the real heartland. Casa de Linhares (2 Beco dos Armazens do Linho, 886 5088, http://www.casadelinhares.com/) is regarded by knowledgable locals to be the best place due to its performances, food and 18th-century setting. Meanwhile, Hot Clube de Portugal (36 Travessa da Gale, 361 9740, http://www.hotclubedeportugal.org/) has a long-standing reputation for its almost-nightly live jazz concerts. For something distinctly more lively, join the sizeable African community for Angolan and Cape Verdean beats at B.Leza (50 Largo do Conde-Barao, 396 3735).
A cluster of be-seen-in clubs can be found near the riverfront in Santos — although your face needs to fit and the "minimum consumption" charges can be outrageous. Kapital (68 Avenida 24 de Julho, 395 7101) and Kremlin (5 Rua das Escadinhas da Praia, 395 7101) are arguably the biggest magnets for the beautiful people. Bar Incognito (37 Rua Poiais de Sao Bento, 390 8755, http://www.incognitobar.com/) also attracts serious clubbers, although the split-level design means the dance floor and more chilled loft bar space are kept neatly separated. The name isn't an accident — there's no sign above the door.
Parque das Nacoes, built for Expo '98, is modern Lisbon's showpiece. The casino, a science exhibition and huge shopping mall are on offer but the highlights are the enormous Oceanario aquarium (Doca dos Olivais, 891 7002, http://www.oceanario.pt/) and the views of the 17.2-kilometre Vasco da Gama Bridge. The Mosteiro dos Jeronimos (Praca do Imperio, 362 0034, http://www.mosteirojeronimos.pt/) in Belem pulls in the tour buses and the enormous monastery's Manueline architecture is genuinely impressive. The real Lisbon icons, though, are the elevadores — three funiculars and one Eiffel Tower-esque lift that connect downtown Lisbon with the hilly districts as part of the public transport network.
Belem is the main exhibition hub, with individual museums given over to topics such as electricity, coaches and maritime history. Best of the bunch is the Museu Coleccao Berardo (Praca do Imperio, 361 2878, http://www.museuberardo.com/). It hosts staggeringly good modern art from the likes of Gilbert and George, Andy Warhol and Jackson Pollock. Two uniquely Portuguese forms of culture also have their own museums. Fado music is covered in the Museu do Fado (1 Largo do Chafariz de Dentro, 882 3470, museudofado.egeac.pt) in Alfama, while the ubiquitous azulejos — blue painted tiles — can be explored in east Lisbon at the Museu Nacional do Azulejo (4 Rua da Madre de Deus, 810 0340, mnazulejo.imc-ip.pt).
On foot
Parque das Nacoes has a series of gardens; its walking routes are interspersed with public artworks and even a selection of odd musical instruments to play. For something less green but more atmospheric, try a stroll through the Castelo and, in particular, Alfama districts. It's all cobblestone streets, secret courtyards and old ladies hanging out the washing. For guided walks, Lisbon Walker (886 1840, http://www.lisbonwalker.com/) has themed strolls such as "City of Spies" and "Lisbon Legends and Mysteries" from €15 a person.
Follow the leader
For personalised overviews of the city, MouriscasTours (963 857 776*, http://www.mouriscastours.com/) is excellent. The guides are extremely knowledgable and only one booking is taken per tour, so you can concentrate on what your group is interested in rather than compromise for the herd. Four-hour tours start at €200 for four people. If the walking's too much, Lisbon Segway Tours (425 4982, http://www.lisbonsegwaytours.com/) offers outings on Segways with audio-guide commentary, for €60. The hypocritically named We Hate Tourism Tours (911 501 720*, http://www.wehatetourismtours.com/) offers a nightlife Jeep tour, which stops at Lisbon's quirkiest bars, from €30.
A Brasileira (120 Rua Garrett, 346 9541) is a classic haunt for the creative crowd and is regarded as having the best coffee in Lisbon. The art nouveau interior, has more charm than the outdoor terrace and prices are cheaper indoors, too. For something a little different, Chapito (7 Costa do Castelo, 886 7334, http://www.chapito.org/) offers decently priced tapas and coffees with great views at a circus school. Then there are the legendary pasteis de Belem (below) — custard-cream tarts that have been flying off the shelves at Antiga Confetaria de Belem (84-92 Rua de Belem, 363 7423, http://www.pasteisdebelem.pt/) since 1837.
Snack attack
Forget Nando's or Oporto, the real deal can be found at Bonjardim (12 Travessa de Santo Antao, 342 7424). They'll bring you half a grilled chicken for €5.60. Be warned — the half-chicken is only on the Portuguese-language menu. It's also worth taking advantage of a new trend in Lisbon: big-name chefs who open affordable side projects. Jose Avillez of Tavares has weighed in with JA a Mesa (Patio Moreira Rato, 155 4945, http://www.jananet.pt/) in Santos, selling almost canteen-style soups, sandwiches and pre-packed hot meals for less than €8. Bairro Alto in central Lisbon is good for tapas crawling.
Top of the town
Michelin-starred Tavares (35 Rua da Misericordia, 342 1112,
By the glass
The Bairro Alto district is easily the best place for a night out, whether for cheap cocktails, old-man bars or upmarket style. There are hundreds of tiny bars fighting for attention. To single out one or two is missing the point entirely — it's about jumping between them until you find the right one for your mood. Slightly to the north of Bairro Alto is Pavilhao Chines (89 Rua Dom Pedro V, 342 4729), a wonderfully eccentric haunt full of antique furniture and slightly freaky dolls. To get a taste for the local drops, Vini Portugal has free tastings of Portuguese wines (Praca do Comercio, 342 0690, http://www.viniportugal.pt/).
Hot tip
Tram No. 28 is an excellent way to get a drive-by tour of Lisbon's highlights on the cheap — although it's almost too popular for its own good. It's often standing room only. Tram 25 is less crowded and, as a bonus, passes through many of the most appealing parts of town.
The cheapest option, avoiding the need to change airports in London, is to fly to Manchester with Etihad or Emirates (expect to pay upwards of $1750) and from there, budget airline BMIBaby has one-way tickets to Lisbon priced from about $80. A taxi from the airport into central Lisbon should cost €8 to €15, depending on the traffic.
Visas and currency
Unless you're staying for more than six months, no visa is required to visit Portugal. The currency in Portugal is the euro. €1 = $1.41.
Calling Portugal
The Portugal country code is +351 and the Lisbon city code is 21. To phone Lisbon from abroad, add +35121 to all seven-digit numbers here. For those marked with an asterisk, just add +351.
terça-feira, 26 de outubro de 2010
Festa do Cinema Francês - 11ème édition

Triennale de l’Architecture de Lisbonne 2010

La Triennale de l’Architecture de Lisbonne 2010 aura pour thème : Parlons logements !La Triennale a pour thème central la MAISON et souhaite se situer, de façon plurielle, en faisant descendre l’architecture dans la rue, en vue de rapprocher les questions architectoniques du vécu civique, du débat public et de la réalité effective de l’expérience sociale de l’architecture.http://www.trienaldelisboa.com/
La Triennale comprendra :
- un ensemble d’expositions ;
- un cycle de conférences intitulé Architecture et Démocratie ;
- un ensemble de publications, des activités éducatives impliquant la communauté scolaire et académique, ainsi que d’autres interventions parallèles.
Elle se caractérise en outre par la réalisation d’un ensemble de concours (adressés aux écoles portugaises d’architecture, ouverts à la participation internationale et concernant des projets d’expositions dans son propre cadre), ainsi que par le développement d’un ensemble d’initiatives qui mènent à son internationalisation.
La Triennale se déroulera dans diverses institutions de la ville de Lisbonne, dont chacune accueillera et coproduira un secteur avec une thématique commune.
segunda-feira, 18 de outubro de 2010
sexta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2010
Bica Lift

While walking around close by Bica, don’t forget to try the Bica lift, it passes between lines of houses and will take you from the Rua S. Paulo until the Calhariz, close by Bairro Alto. It works since 1892.
(3 minutes walking from the apartment)
Other Lifts to visit in Lisboa:
- Glórias Lift (near the Garden São Pedro de Alcantara)
- Lavra Lift (In Downtown)
- Santa Justa Livra (in Chiado)
Cirque du Soleil - Acrobat

Classic circus at its best, Acrobat is an exciting and kaleidoscopic celebration of magnificently inspired artistry and agility, with breathtaking acrobatics and incredible athletic performances both in solos and ensembles.With a team of more than 50 amazing performers, Acrobat is a fun show for all the family, filled with colour, entertainment and thrills.
Timetable:13 to 15 October (21h30), 16 to 17 October (17h00 and 21h30), 19 to 22 October (21h30), 23 October (17h00 and 21h30) and24 October(17h00).
http://www.cirquedusoleil.com/http://www.livenation.co.uk/ http://www.everythingisnew.pt/
BALCÃO 1 * 45,00 EUROSBALCÃO 2 * 35,00 EUROS
EM ESPANHA: BREAKPOINT (http://www.breakpoint.es/)
EUROSPAVILHÃO ATLÂNTICO (http://www.pavilhaoatlantico.pt/ E 707 780 000)
quinta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2010
Lisbonne en nomination pour le prix de «meilleure destination dans le monde

Créée en 1993, le Prix mondial Voyage sont destinées à stimuler la compétitivité et la qualité du tourisme, la promotion, à l'échelle mondiale, les meilleures destinations et des services. En 2009, la Californie se distingue dans les trois catégories désignées, primée pour «meilleure destination européenne, Best Destination européenne city-break» et «Best Destination européenne Cruise."
OJE - Jornal Económico
segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2010
Events in Lisbon

INDIELISBO A5 » 15 May 2011. International Independent Film Festival - IndieLisboa is the greater film festival of Lisboa. The main aim of the Festival is to discover new films and new directors, in the universe of independent cinema. http://www.indielisboa.com/
Rock in Rio - considered the biggest music festival in the world - takes place every two years in Parque da Bela Vista in central Lisbon. Lisbon is set to welcome top international music acts, and thousands of their fans in early summer. http://rockinrio-lisboa.sapo.pt/
The Oceans’ Festival is a thrilling tour of the seven seas, made on dry land. It will attract thousands of locals and visitors to the Tagus riverside area where they can watch concerts, urban interventions on the theme of oceans, multimedia shows and musical pyrotechnics. http://www.festivaldosoceanos.com/
DOCLISBOA 14 » 24 October 2010. In October the world fits into Lisbon. The only Portuguese competitive festival entirely dedicated to documentaries, it will bring the best of the contemporary national and international production offering 11 days of an intensive program. Doc Lisboa also focuses on breaking new ground and on the great diversity and vitality of this cinema of reality.http://www.doclisboa.org/
NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY December. This super-event marks the transition from the Old Year to the New Year. Staged usually in the waterfront of the river Tagus, performs concerts with some famous names as well as street entertainment and, of course, fireworks. http://www.visitlisboa.com/
Ecoute Fado en Lisboone

Les origines du fado restent encore aujourd'hui un mystère et diverses théories circulent.
Il parle d’âme, de sentiments que l’on respire, de nostalgie (la fameuse « saudade ») C’est le fado que l’on chante. Qu’il soit ancien ou nouveau, le fado est toujours le fado. Vous devez l’écouter en silence pendant que vous savourez un potage « caldo verde » ou goûtez une rondelle de chorizo sur une tranche de pain de maïs (broa).
Le fado est la chanson de Lisbonne par excellence. Fruit d’un sentiment particulier, il révèle une âme qui se sent mais qui ne s’explique pas. A l’heure actuelle, le fado est toujours le produit le plus noble et vrai de la culture populaire portugaise.
Pour savoir plus: Visiter en Lisbonne
sexta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2010
Jardim Zoológico de Lisboa

Tenho ido com alguma regularidade ao Zoo, mas devo admitir que ontem saí bastante satisfeita da visita. Gostei muito de ver que há animais que já têm a sorte de não estar atrás de jaulas e por muito que os pais gostem de levar as crianças a vê-los eu parece que partilhava com eles a humilhação de estar ali num montra, num espaço artificial e ainda por cima atrás de grades. Felizmente que os macacos, os leões, os repteis têm uma nova casa, mais parecida com o seu

Congratulo ainda todos os cartazes informativos sobre cada espécie, e a forma como cada um pode contribuir para a qualidade de vida destes animais e mais, ficamos a saber qual é a importância de um jardim zoológico na prevenção e na melhoria da qualidade de vida de todos estes animais.
Andámos de comboio, visitámos ainda os elefantes, as girafas, os bufalos, os aligatores e qual o meu espanto, quando mostrava ao meu filho mais novo os piu pius cor-de-rosa, quando fui interrompida pela filha: "- Mamã não são piu pius cor-de-rosa, são Flamingos". E tinha toda a razão, apesar dos seus 3 anos.
Contribuam para a melhoria do nosso zoo e levem a criança mais perto a uma visita. Ficarão surpreendidos com as melhorias deste espaço.
Mais informações em Jardim Zoológico
Sofia Almeida
quarta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2010
Gulbenkian Música 10/11
Entwined with these festivals, that no doubt constitute some of the high points of this season’s musical programme, new cycles appear, such as Músicas do Mundo - which will bring to us performers who cross-breed classical experiences with traditions from several continents - as well as direct high definition broadcasts of eleven productions of the New York Metropolitan Opera’s season shown at the Grande Auditório.The backdrop of this season, the first one programmed by the new director of Gulbenkian Musical Service, Risto Nieminen, will be the figure of Gustav Mahler announcing the advent of Modernity through a series of concerts called Mahler + which, far from including only works by this Austrian composer, also comprises works by his contemporaries who influenced him and works composed under the influence of his music. He will be an excellent pretext for several concerts and for two other symphonic orchestras to come to Portugal: the San Francisco Symphony, conducted by Michael Tilson Thomas, and the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra, coming back this year with maestro Philippe Jordan and the singers Thomas Hampson and Burkhard Fritz, this time with a repertory totally dedicated to Mahler.
Several other orchestras will be invited to perform in the Grande Auditório, such as the Orquestra Sinfónica do Porto, the Ensemble Intercontemporain or the Orchestre des Champs-Élysées. But, as usual, Orquestra Gulbenkian and its titular conductor, Lawrence Foster, are front and centre in our programming. They perform a total of sixty concerts, many of which with the participation of Coro Gulbenkian (Gulbenkian Choir). The Orchestra will perform starring renowned soloists like Evgeny Kissin, Arcadi Volodos, Christian Zacharias, Jean-Guihen Queyras, Christian Tetzlaff, Nikolaj Znaider and Sequeira Costa. As far as educational programmes are concerned, the orchestra will interpret several Concertos para a Família (Family Concerts) like, for example, O Retábulo do Mestre Pedro, conducted by Joana Carneiro, in a scenic version by José Ramalho with the cooperation of Marionetas de Lisboa, or Grieg’s Peer Gynt, conducted by Osvaldo Ferreira and adapted and directed by José Wallenstein. The Coro Gulbenkian (Choir), directed by Jorge Matta, participates in the session Vem Cantar Jazz com o Coro Gulbenkian (Come and sing Jazz with the Gulbenkian Chorus) with the contribution of the Moreira brothers, as well as several other jazz musicians.It is also worth to mention a new format of presentation of the soloists of the Orquestra Gulbenkian who will perform in the Grande Auditório on Friday nights at 9.30 PM. By now, six free-entry recitals have been confirmed.
September will be the month dedicated to Festival Mozart, with a programme centred on the composer. It brings to us two maestros of reference: René Jacobs, with a new production of Così fan tutte (in concert version), conducting the Freiburger Barockorchestra and Coro Gulbenkian; and Philippe Herreweghe, who will conduct two concerts with the Orchestre des Champs-Elysées. This Festival also includes a performance by the German violinist Christian Tetzlaff, a unique cycle of three chamber and orchestral music performances conceived and directed by the concertino of Orquestra Gulbenkian, Florian Zwiauer, some of which smack of an authentic marathon, and a concert presentation of the opera A Flowering Tree by John Adams, inspired by Mozart’s Magic Flute.
De Berlim a Paris (From Berlin to Paris) will be the performance presented by Ute Lemper with Orquestra Gulbenkian, where she will interpret, among others, songs by Kurt Weil and Édith Piaf. Simultaneously, the theme Mahler + will be particularly in focus through this month, with several concerts and the exhibition of a movie cycle dedicated to the Austrian composer, also selected by Christian Labrande. This festival also includes Leoš Janá?ek’s opera From the House of the Dead, which never had been performed in Portugal, in concert version, conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen, leading the Gulbenkian Orchestra for the first time. A lecture on Janá?ek and Dostoyevski by Paulo Ferreira de Castro and a meeting with the maestro Salonen frame the presentation of this opera.The public will have the opportunity to experience the feeling of being immersed in a symphonic orchestra through the installation Re-Rite – Be the Orchestra, a multimedia interactive audiovisual project created from the 29 channel digital recording of Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring. This installation will be on display in the Museu do Design e da Moda and will be inaugurated with a party starring DJ Gabriel Prokofiev, the grandson of the composer Sergei Prokofiev.
To know more about it Gulbenkian
segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010
The meaning of Bairro Alto
The Bairro Alto, formerly known as Vila Nova dos Andrades, is a typical area of Lisbon, narrow cobbled streets adjacent to the areas of Caramel and Chiado, with centuries old houses and small traditional shops. Built more or less in the orthogonal plane at the end of the sixteenth century, the Bairro Alto is one of the most picturesque of the city being bordered on the west by the Century Road, the latter by Mercy Street on the north by King Street Pedro V Street and south of Loreto and the Largo do Calhariz.
The Bairro Alto is divided by the parishes of the Incarnation and Santa Catarina. Since the 80s which is the area's best-known Lisbon night, with many bars and restaurants alongside the fado houses, where they were located also almost all media outlets nationwide distribution. Over the past 20 years has acquired a life of its own and very characteristic, where they cross different generations in search of evening entertainment. Part of the buildings have been or are being recovered, keeping the original design of them, which has allowed the installation of new and alternative commercial premises and are from multi-brand stores to shops and ateliers of tattoos and piercing.
Gradually there is also now being sought as a place to live, and its population to be renewed and refreshed. During the nineteenth century until the third quarter of the twentieth century, the neighborhood housed the headquarters of major newspapers and printing presses in the country. You can still find echoes of that time in street names such as Rua Diario de Noticias or the Street of the Century.
This quarter, one of the most intellectual of the capital, frequented and inhabited by journalists, writers and students, a step the Chiado, was also the place of sailors taverns, places of ill repute and a lot of prostitution. Vitorino Nemesio alludes to this environment in novel Bad weather in the channel. The building where he was born the Daily News was later occupied by Capital (daily extinct in 2005), is today best known for "Building A Capital '. It was in this building that the United Artists Theatre Company was based for a long time. The company abandoned the area some years since the City Council will carry out rehabilitation works.
By Wikipedia
sexta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2010
Lisboa, a bela: resista quem puder

Vi tanta coisa em tão pouco tempo que vou demorar a conseguir mostrar tudo, mas achei melhor começar com umas imagens, instantâneas da bela cidade à beira-rio.
Senhoras e senhores, isto é Lisboa: ver mais fotos: aqui
Alexandra Forbes
quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2010
CCB Fora de Si Festival

To celebrate the 4th CCB For de Si, the general public can enjoy open air concerts, dance/performance shows, cinema, visual arts and street art in various settings, from Praça do Museu, to the gardens and walkways, to the entrance to CCB. Here are some suggestions.Until August 29, Belém Cultural Centre (Belém/Jerónimos).
August 6 \ 7 \ 8 Traditional Latin American Dances King Pai Chaotic Company Sierra Maestra Banda Amizade
August 13 \ 14 \ 15 Salsa and Casino WheelBuika El Ultimo Trago Legends and Sounds from Latin America Amigos da Branca Symphony Band
August 27 \ 28 \ 29 Fazzoletto Ripopolo Circus5€ OperaRoda de Choro de Lisboa Jaques Morelenbaum Cello Samba Trio
terça-feira, 24 de agosto de 2010
Fashion's Night Out 2010 in Lisbon

Happy shopping!
segunda-feira, 23 de agosto de 2010
quarta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2010
Shopping in Lisbon

If you’d like to begin with traditional shops, there’s nothing better than a trip to the Baixa zone, with its unique shops which in certain cases have remained unaltered for decades. You’ll find picturesque, age-old shops that conserve and preserve elements of Pombaline architecture and some of which that house several ruins dating back to previous occupations.
As you walk up to the Chiado zone you’ll find a more glamorous and diversified range of shops, including delightful design shops and bookshops, with a specific range of products that it’s hard to find anywhere else. In the Avenida da Liberdade, you’ll find the top international brands, in particular fashion labels, thus guaranteeing the diversity and quality of a major European capital. In the Bairro Alto neighbourhood, there’s a wide range of alternative shops including clothes shops owned by national stylists, several second-hand clothes shops, and also interior decoration and design shops and music stores.
In Santos, you’ll find a high number of large design shops, offering an alternative vision of interior decoration and objects. Nearby, you can buy fresh produce and flowers in the unforgettable Ribeira Market - one of the city’s ex-libris monuments - where your senses are sure to be awakened. On Tuesdays and Saturdays, you’ll also have the opportunity to visit the city’s most important “flea market” - the famous Feira da Ladra, - where in addition to a wide array of interesting trinkets, you can find some genuine collectors’ items. The region’s shopping centres are also unique.
The city has some of Europe’s largest and most diversified shopping centres. Even outside Lisbon itself, you’ll find excellent shopping centres where you can make purchases and buy presents to take home.
Lisbon contending for World Travel Awards

Considered by “The Wall Street Journal” as the “Tourism Oscars," the World Travel Awards (WTA) distinguishes the world’s leading tourist destinations for their service excellence.
Last year, Lisbon triumphed at the European awards by winning the categories of Europe’s Leading Destination, Leading City Break Destination and Leading Cruise Destination.
These prizes were awarded at the 16th WTA edition held at Hotel Praia D'El Rey Marriott Golf & Beach Resort, which also won Europe’s Leading Golf & Leisure Resort and is a member of Turismo de Lisboa.
The World Travel Awards were created in 1993 and winners are elected through online voting – open to 183,000 travel agency and hospitality professionals throughout 160 countries from all continents.